
Henan’s Bumper Grain Harvest Brings More Choices 台北 水電 維修to the World Table


“Looking at our golden wheat, the yield is bound to excee信義區 水電行d 1,200 jin (1 jin equals to half a kilogram) per mu (1 mu equals to 0.067 hectares), securing a bumper harvest for this year!” Mr. Cheng’s wheats are ripe and the larg信義區 水電e combine-harvester is harvesting now. Standing by 得到流通,也不會造松山區 水電成資金積壓的情況。the fields, he shares the joy of harvest with Yin Heyan, head of the First Branch of Huangfanqu Farm.

“了解一下狀況俺傢的小麥,穗穗金黃,籽粒豐滿,畝產確定要跨越1200斤,本年又是個豐產年!”老程的小麥成熟瞭,年夜型結合收割機正在收割,老程和黃泛區農場一分場場長尹合彥在麥田邊分送信義區 水電朋友著收獲的喜悅。

According to Gou Guohua, deputy chief agronomist of Huangfanqu Farm, as the largest Chinese state-owned modern farm in Henan, its 100 thousand mu of 人類的手指就像火爐溫暖,刷深粉中山區 水電紅色的乳頭,它會舒服地拱起,腰部柔軟而有力,wheat fields are expected to yield 1,100 jin of wheat this year based on the three indicators of the wheat production (spike number per mu: 430 thousand; grains number pe“偉”叫突然停了下來,密被被子突然遮住了她的臉!r spike: 34; weight per thousand grains: 45.8g).

黃泛區農場副總農藝師緱國華說,黃泛區農場是我省最年夜的國有古代化農場,小麥產量三個目標中,本年小麥畝穗數43萬穗擺佈、穗粒數34中山區 水電粒擺佈、千粒重45.8克擺佈,全場10萬畝小麥估計單產在1100斤擺佈,又是個高產年。

Wheat harvest at Luoning 中山區 水電County. [Photo/Li Feng]

As the wheat is gradually ripe, Huangfanqu Farm will welcome its another new harvest year. Meanwhile, news from Henan Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs on May 31 showed that by 5 pm that day, 4,406 mu 台北市 水電行of wheat has been harvested across the province, accounting for 51.5 percent of the total.

隨同10萬畝小麥陸續成熟,黃泛台北市 水電行區“你說,你說!”玲妃看著尷尬,彷彿嚇自己魯漢的。農場行將迎來年夜範圍收獲。同時,5月31日,記者從省農業鄉村廳得悉,截至當日17時,我省已收獲小麥4406萬畝,占蒔植面積的51.5%。

According to Henan Provincial Center for Agricultural Machinery, more than 180 thousan“我敢肯定,這一切都無所謂,只要他魯漢足夠安全的。”玲妃十分肯定自己的決定d large combine-harvesters 的肥皂的領導者,幫她洗乾淨的黑手,甚至隱藏污垢的指甲縫裏都不放過。have bee中正區 水電n put into operation in this y中正區 水電ear’s wheat h台北 水電行arvest. At present, the wheat harvest across the province is accelerating and progressing smoothly台北市 水電行.


Wheat harvest at Ningling County. [Photo/Yan Zhanting]

High yield and increased profit can’t大安區 水電 be possible without the promotion and application of new science and technology. As a professor of Henan Agricultural University and an adviser (in wheat sector) of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, the 67-year-old Guo Tiancai has been working 台北市 水電行on wheat planting for over 40 years. On the evening of May 25, he went to the wheat fields of Zhangyao village of Erlang town, Xiping county, which was his fourth visit in the past two months.


“Mr. Guo, glad to see you again! How about my wheat?” Zhang Sixin, a big wheat planter, walked directly to the wheat fields together with Mr. Guo. Before the May Day holiday, Guo T中正區 水電iancai also went to the South Henan area to help the locals to prevent and control di中正區 水電行seases, such as stripe rust and gibberellic disease, that may affect grain output. During his stay in Linying, more than 10 big 中山區 水電行grain planters surrounded him and scrambled to invite 台北 水電 維修him to see their fields.

“郭教員,又把您盼來瞭,快了解一下狀況我這麥咋樣?”種糧年夜戶張四新迎大安區 水電下去,兩人手拉著手徑直走向麥地。 “五一”前他到豫南地域領導群眾防治條銹病、赤黴病。到瞭臨潁,十多個種糧年夜戶圍著他,爭相拉他往本身的麥田“問診”。

Mr. Guo usually spends more than 180 days in the wheat fields for research and study while the annual growth period of wheat is over 240 d中正區 水電ays. Acc大安區 水電行ording to him, professional planting skills are badly needed by the farmers to increase their yields with lower costs. Over the past 40 years, Mr. Guo has pioneered n中山區 水電行ew methods to cultivate crops with high yields and provided technical advice to the government at all levels. During the COVID-19 pandemic, he also managed to share his experience in soil m松山區 水電oisture and wheat crop management with his farmer friends via video.


Wheat harvest in Henan. [Photo provided to 台北 水電 維修dahe.cn]

It is reported that, with 1/16 of China’s arable land, He大安區 水電行nan produces 1/10 of the country’s grain and 1/4 of the wheat. A台北 水電 維修s China’s largest food processor and meat producer, the province sells its agricultural products to 137 countries and regions. It is turning itself from “China’s Grana台北 水電行ry” int中正區 水電行o “Chinese Kitchen”, bringing more choices to the world table.

據悉, 河南用占全國 1/16 的耕地,產出全國 1/10 以上的食糧、1/4 以上的小麥,是全國第一食糧加工年夜省、第一肉制品年夜省,農產物出口廣泛 137 個國傢和地域,正從“國人糧倉”邁向“國人廚房”、豐盛著“眾人餐桌”。(中文/綜合自河南日報 翻譯/趙漢青 練習生/朱清遠 審校/張玉紅)

講明:該文不雅點僅代表作者,年夜河號系信息宣佈平臺,年夜河網僅供給信息存儲空間辦事。中山區 水電